To November.

A month of trying new things

4 min readDec 8, 2022
Image taken by Author on camera
Note : This was written while sitting in the passenger seat of a maruti alto 800 
while travelling.

Sunsets in my native are the most serene and captivating scenary ever.

It has made me come to the conclusion that you have been in the moment before taking a photo of it.

They have to be looked at by your beautiful irises before taking a photo of them with your smartphone.

We people have become too addicted to our smartphones that we want to take a photo of anything that is beautiful or “aesthetic”.

Even the dustbin is aesthetic if your camera is good enough.

Mental pictures before digital pictures.

There was this moment when Ambar by Raghu Dixit was playing, and the sun was setting upon the horizon of the fields, and it felt like bliss.

I thought I could capture the moment, but by the time I could, the moment had passed. For a moment I felt bad I couldn't capture the moment and send a snap of it.

Then I realized it didn't fucking matter.

You can either live in the moment or not be there at all.

Learned it the hard way.

I’m starting to become one of those girls on Instagram who say I love traveling omg, and I agree traveling is amazing, that is when you aren’t the one who is driving.

My shoulder starts paining whenever I drive for more than 3 hours. Just like every other 18-year-old today, I have the back of an 80-year-old, and ironically they have the back of an 18-year-old.

But driving your car peacefully on a road covered by the shade of trees is one of the best things experienced by humans.

It’s right next to the orgasm by Glock-Glock and listening to Bohemian Rhapsody while jumping off a cliff.

I think that’s how I wanna die.

But by the time I die, death might be an innate concept. I’ll be in a high-tech stroller or I’ll be half AI where my brain will be uploaded to the internet.

I’ll make myself open source.

Yellow paper Daisy plays on the digital jukebox.

I am filled with images of that girl. I miss that girl. Music and love have such a connection.
You don’t know if love gave rise to music, or if music gives to rise more love.

It’s a cycle.

In Love, the weird things are what you remember, the weird things you do that make them laugh, the weird things they do, you remember them suddenly like when a song plays, or it can be as simple as farting while sleeping.

It could be anything. It’s love.

But we as humans have tried to limit love only between a man and a woman because that is the norm. We have tried to make this world something that it is not, which is simple, trying to generalize everything from the generalization theory of the universe to the generalization of love to just two genders.

We are trying to make love simple, and it is indeed not.
We have tried to suppress emotions and suppress chaos.

But sometimes you have to let it take you, let the emotions take you in its arms, and swaddle you like a baby until you have slept passing away the emotion.

This is what I have learnt in November.

November has indeed been fruitful, from starting college to attending hackathons, to even driving on the highway.

My past self would be proud that I have done what I always wanted to do. Hey past self Alok, here is a wet kiss for you (mwuah❤). I actually did it in real life right now. Self-love baby!!

Love yourself how you would love others.

Show that cute butt some compassion.

That’s why I don’t care how I look that much anymore.

I care about being fit, and that’s what I want December to be.

I want December to be the month where I work on projects, the month where I work hard and become that tech geek/content creator.

The month when I show and tell the people who love me that I love them.

That’s what I hope for at least.
Hope is a beautiful thing. Hope is what makes you live because you believe there will be better. Hope makes you believe in the future. Sometimes life feels like a bitch, but I know it’ll get better.

Thays what I hope for anyway.

December awaits.

Update: It is December and I have started working on a project, and am writing,
creating content again. Lets hope for the best.

Hope you beautiful bitch, here I come.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Here is another article of mine you can read:

